Sunday, February 27, 2011

Donkey Paradise II

2/25 - Asturias - Today was our first day at Donkey Paradise. It's a great place to be a Donkey or a person. Great weather, food, company, and plenty to get done. More info will come!


  1. Hi Alex and Renee! I'd love to know more about Donkey Paradise. What is it? What are your jobs there?

  2. Hey Maria!
    I'm so glad you're reading this!
    Donkey Paradise (El Paraíso del Burro) is a sanctuary / place for homeless, or abandoned donkeys to live until they can find a new home. It was started by Marleen, who sold her house in Holland to start this place. So far we don't have specific jobs. We work with 4 other people to do whatever needs to be done. Renee has been spending most of her time with the Donkeys, feeding/brushing them, while I've been spending most of my time helping one of the workers Thomas in repairing the Cabana (Spanish for summer house), with the hopes that Marleen could rent it out in the summer to people trying to take a break from city life.

    We've been busy, so I haven't had much time to post updates/information, but I'll keep the information coming!

    Thanks for reading!

  3. "It's a great place to be a Donkey or a person."

    Looks like you got the short end of the stick eh AJ. If you guys are missing donkeys when you come home, I found out that in the field past the highschool (on the way to Ipswich, on the right) there are two donkeys. I call them "Don"+"Quixote." Funny story though, I would drive by with a client during work and he would try to point them out, but since I was driving I couldn't focus too much on trying to see them. After a few times, I decided it must have been a hallucination. To my astonishment, I finally saw Don and Quixote one day when they (finally) came up to the front of the pasture. ^-^
